Monday, 4 April 2011

Drama Games to help Focus

April 1st 2011

Drama Games 
Reading people.


Use Drama games to help our focus and ability to read people


Strong concentration and focus levels (3b)

Students can read each other and know when to lead in a performance (3a)

Students will be supportive and helpful to each other ensuring the successful completion of the task given to them.

Part 1

First of the drama games, working on focus.

Pass the ball

The imaginary ball, passed from one to another, one ball to start with and then a second ball is introduced. Look for the gestures other others as they play the game in silence.

Another game.

Given a number.    

Sit down,       

Keep the focus,         

Rhythm, passing the focus,  the number is passed from one number to another person with the power stops the clapping and passes it on to another number.
Whoever gets the power changes the rhythm. Focus on the number and rhythm.
Everyone focuses on the number with the power.
Changed to keeping a beat where the beat stays the same but the style changes.


Follow the leader.

Person from outside has to focus on the rest whilst the rest try to trick the person in the middle. One person is leader. Everyone one else follows the leader.
Person from outside the room has to find the leader.

None of these games can be done if we cannot read people and this is essential when on stage.


Pass on the emotion,

Non verbal communication.

Get in pairs.

Find a space and sit down.
Each group is given an emotion and 2 mins to prepare. Then this emotion is transmitted to the rest of the class with none verbal communication.

This tests our reading skills

Performance are created to entertain the audience give a message, create an alternative reality. By communication.

Today we did non verbal communication as so much communication is non verbal.


Red amber green.

Individual performance, given instruction to walk across the room, but listen for commands  red –stop, amber - sit down, green - go.
Walk until you hear the command.

Last one to respond is out,

Winner is the last one in.