Friday, 10 June 2011

ART Portrait Continued

7th June 2011.

Here is how your potrait drawing skills are coming along

Examples of homework for The Haunted School

Here are a few examples of homeworks.

Print, newspaper article about the happens at the school.

Character analysis

Video Homework of the Haunted School.

20 May 2011

How to use conflict & tension in a performance.

Discuss for 2 mins where tension has been seen in the media, either films of tv drama.

Tension in a performance

How was it shown.

Did they use music  , silence (most powerful), actor reactions. Stand off.

How to show tension

Tension is built up slowly.

You listened to a  clip from you tube (Jaws) . 42 secs.   This feels tense and it gets more as time goes on.


Text describing how tension is created.

Today’s scenario 

Today’s scene                        remember strategies already covered.

10mins to prepare scene.


Moving on

2 mins  prepare.

Tableaux to show reaction when someone breaks in to the school.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Art 10 May

Continue with the portrait drawing.

WALF             Continue with the practice of drawing elements of a face

WILF               Concentrate on eyes/nose/mouths

Drama 13 May 2011

Homework given.

WALT             Create conflict & tension in a piece of drama

WILF               See below
WILF's Click image to enlarge

First task, reminder “ what do we mean by hooking the audience”

5 mins to come to a conclusion.

Task 2             Demonstrate character effect          improvisation.

                        If the audience has any feelings towards a character that is character effect, the effect the character
                        has on the audience.

How to make the audience have feelings towards a character?

More extreme characterization,  greater degree of extremity.

How can you give a character more effect on the audience?   5 mins discussion for ideas.

Main Task

Concentrate on the character effect.

10 mins to prepare


Each group shows their piece to the audience and then they are analysed to see which criteria they met and was all covered and how was their character effect.

Criteria           Did they use the space.                     Success shown with thumbs
                        Did they have character effect, did you make a connection.
                        Did they show conflict
                        Did they think about staging.

                                                                                        Thumbs    UP; yes , SIDEWAYS; some, DOWN; none.

Semicircle around the white board.

Drama terms.             With praise starts                 Drama game show.

Aim is to show what you know so far about drama